Italian Sociological Review

Descrizione dell’attività svolta nell’annata 2017

Nel 2017 sono stati pubblicati due numeri monografici: uno sul terrorismo e l’altro sulle famiglie omosessuali, più un numero speciale su Baudrillard, a dieci anni dalla sua morte.

Il primo numero monografico è stato particolarmente complesso, in quanto i contributi sono stati sottoposti a doppia valutazione: la prima da parte del curatore del numero e l’altra da parte dalla nostra rivista, secondo il sistema del double blind.  Non tutti gli articoli proposti sono stati pubblicati.

Nel numero unico sulle famiglie omosessuali, tutti gli articoli sono di sociologi italiani, a testimonianza dell’esistenza di una letteratura originale sul tema anche a livello nazionale. Anche in questo caso i contributi selezioni dai curatori del numero unico, sono stati sottoposti a referaggio.

Molto apprezzato il numero speciale su Baudrillard, soprattutto all’estero, per il tempismo con cui è uscito e, soprattutto, per la originalità dei tagli di lettura proposti dagli autori.


Indice dei numeri pubblicati

2001, numero 1

Personal Networks as Social Capital: a research Strategy to Measure Contents and Forms of Social Support

Paola  Di Nicola, Sandro Stanzani, Luigi Tronca

Family values and domestic interiors. A mmeterial-culture experiment using multi-tecnique analysis

Domenico Secondulfo

Change and social forms

Debora Viviani

The crimilitation of immigration in Italy: extent of the phenomenon and possible interpretation

Sergio Cecchi

Narrative: in search of lost meaning

Cristina Lonardi

Review Essays

Contemporary studies about fertility changes: common trends or contestual variation?

Nicoletta Santangelo


2011,numero 2

Diffused religion and civil society in Italy

Roberto Cipriani



Family, Personal Networks and Social Capital

Paola Di Nicola



The role of professional training in the valorisation of human capital

Michele Bertani



Reflections on the meaning of the book, beginning with its physicality: instrument or fetish?

Alessandra Pozzi




Social Capital in Relational Approaches: Methodology and Results of Empirical Studies

Andrea Sciandra

2011, numero 3

Reflexive Pasts. Cultural Pragmatics, Identity Formation and the Roles of Social and Collective Memory

Luca Mori

Reflections on the Culture of the New and the Second Hand in Italy

Francesca Setiffi

Deflationary measures and the reduction of individual costs in family crises

Alessandra Cordiano



Women and Work in Italy: the Risk of Discouragement. With a Southern Italian Case Study.

Letizia Carrera




Functional Foods: Between New Consumption Trends and Renewed Perceptions of Health

Manuela Aiello



2012, numero 1

Crises and change processes of the welfare systems

Giovanni Bertin

The Third Sector Organizations for Sustainable Development, Governance and Participatory Citizenship

Emiliana Mangone

Volunteerism, solidarity and social capital

Alessio Valastro

Scientific research and “third University mission”: what role for the University

Stefania Capogna

Social Capital and Boarding Schools in Italy

Alessandra Carbognin


Jean Baudrillard: cynism or truth?

Debora Viviani


2012, numero 2

Advances in Reflexive Sociology: Theory, Agency and Dialogical Inquiry

Charalambos Tsekeris

The desire for omnipotence and the illusion of hyperreality: thestrange case of the virtual hostess

Debora Viviani

Economic situation of families and perception of social reality. Exploratory analysis of Italian families

Marco Carradore

Stepfamilies and management of financial resources

Valentina Dotto

The Neet,The lost bet

Letizia Carrera


Unlearning food predictability

Alessio Surian


2012, numero 3


Domenico Secondulfo, Luigi Tronca

Our Purchases. Where and what we buy

Cristina Lonardi

Brand faithfulness and economic crisis. Brand and quality are important but price counts for more

Debora Viviani

Work and spending habits: an exploration inside the “social issues” of crisis

Giorgio Gosetti

Economic crisis and well-being in Italy

Sandro Stanzani

Worry about the economic situation of the family in Italy: input from surveys conducted by the Observatory on Family Consumption Strategies

Luigi Tronca


Surveys on Household Consumption: An Overview of the Most Common Surveys

Marco Carradore


2013,numero 1

Sacredness of the book: an exploratory research

Nicola Righetti

Words for the other. Ethnographies of diversity

Enrica Tedeschi

Court-ordered assessments of family resources in family law proceedings: the technical advisor and other non-juridical professionals compared and contrasted

Alessandra Cordiano

Labour market in the city of Split – participant’s assessment of importance of education for employability

Martina Bešker, Renata Relja


Identity, recognition and work in post-Fordist society: a path of indepth critical analysis

Lucia Bertell


2013, numero 2

“Lesser Citizens”: Poverty and Social Exclusion among the Juvenile Italian and European Population

Sergio Cecchi

Alcohol-related problems and self-help groups: the situational construction of self-image

Marta Pantalone

Families in Italy in the face of the crisis of ‘Mediterranean’ welfare

Michele Bertani

The most significant dispositions concerning participation of minors in decision-making processes regarding health matters: relevant legislation and Codes of Ethics

Alessandra Cordiano

The study of representations in sociology: between multidisciplinarity, lines of continuity and differences

Giuseppe Masullo

Football: an introduction to a rite of rites

Antonio Iannaccone


Basic Income: an open challenge between labour transformation and welfare shrinkage

Simone Michelangelo Muzzioli


2013, numero 3


Debora Viviani

Food consumption and urban poverty: an ethnographic study

Pierluigi Musarò

You Are What You Eat. Television narratives between hedonism and self-control

Luisa Stagi

Food, mass media and lifestyles. A hyperreal correlation

Debora Viviani

Blank Food

Michelangelo Pascali

‘Techno mums’ motivations towards vegetarian and vegan lifestyles

Ariela Mortara


Interpretations of Food in French Sociology of Imaginary

Valentina Grassi



2014,numero 1

From the hand to the product: the utensil in handicraft production. A hypertext visual essay experiment

Domenico Secondulfo

Third sector multilevel organizations and their relational outcomes: indications from a quantitative study in Italy

Lucia Boccacin

Self-image and Self-satisfaction: a reserch among southern Italian students using a battery of OSIQ items

Paolo Diana, Gianmaria Bottoni, Giovannipaolo Ferrari

Threating messages, risk perception and the intent of smoking cessation. The case of stundent smokers at Athens Panteion University

Christina Simoudi, George Alexias, Charalambos Tsekeris

Families, care and work in European Mediterranean Countries: findings and lessons from a comparative analysis of work-life balance policies

Valeria Pandolfini

The Sociology of sport actor: from Norbert Elias’ “de-controlled control of emotion” to Postmodern and Reflexice Sport Subcultures

Paolo Dell’Aquila


The Sacred in Current Social Sciences Research

Nicola Righetti


2014,numero 2


Domenico Secondulfo

Constructing Food Citizenship: Theoretical Premises and Social Practices

Cristóbal Gómez-Benito, Carmen Lozano

Fatism, Self-Monitoring and the Pursuit of Healthiness in the Time of Technological Solutionism

Antonio Maturo

Towards the Genomization of Food? Potentials and Risks of Nutrigenomics as a Way of Personalized Care and Prevention

Davide Galesi

The Consumption of Food between Risk of Individualism and Political Participation

Letizia Carrera

Food and Social Change: Signs of Change in Spanish Eating Habits

Cecilia Díaz Méndez

Food from a Sociological Perspective

Antonella Golino


Society’s Visible Patrimony. A Sociological Approach to Understanding Consumption and Material Culture

Francesca Setiffi


 2014,numero 3

Social Capital and the Functioning of Welfare Systems

Paola Di Nicola

Regional Welfare Systems in Italy: a Cluster Analysis

Marco Carradore

The Invisible Interviewer: Old and New Methodological Issues in Online Research

Mauro Niero

Elderly Women. Between Risks of Loneliness and Planning for the Future

Letizia Carrera

Eternal Recurrence of (almost) the Same. Nostalgia in Italian Advertising from Carmencita and Gringo to Jake la Furia

Lorenzo Migliorati


The Sociological Research on LGBT population in Italy

Elisa Zanola


 Anno 2015, numero 1

“I do not Allow Myself to be Harmed, it is a Luxury; I have two Children who Need Me”: Remarks for Planning an Experiential Research Methodology in Women who have Undergone Mastectomy due to Breast Cancer

Georgios Alexias, Michail Lavdas, Manolis Tzanakis

The Space of Resilience: Learning and Adaptation

Elvira Martini, Francesco Vespasiano

Facebook as a Finite Province of Meaning?

Valentina Tagliani

Time and Social Identity

Pier Paolo Bellini

The Legacy of Foundlings in the Countryside Surrounding Italian Cities

Luciano Nicolini

Review Essays

The Second-hanf market: the practice of reusing goods in cultures dominated by the new

Fabio Marzella


Anno 2015, numero 2

Political Behavior of Tirana Electorate

Roland Lami

The Future of the “Women Theologians” in Italy: a Sociological Analysis

Carmelina Chiara Canta

Care Work between Defamilialization and Commodification

Paola Di Nicola

Political Influence and Third Sector’s Umbrella Organizations. A first Comparision between Italy and Spain

Claudia Pedercini

Cognitive Interviewing to Pretest Attitude Questions

Serena Liani, Fabrizio Martire, Maria Concetta Pitrone


Maurice Halbwachs: Classical Sociology after the Classics

Lorenzo Migliorati


Anno 2015, numero 3

The Complex Relationship between Civil Society and Trust

Per Selle and Dag Wollebæk

University Services to the Students: Analysis of the Main Satisfaction Indices

Elvira Martini and Francesco Vespasiano

Migrants’ Life Strategies and Opportunity Structures: Focus on post-Independence Ukrainian Labour MigrantsOlga Oleinikova
Vindicating Social capital: its Conceptual Convenience

René Millán

 TV and Minors: the Reasons for Violence

Antonio Iannaccone

Migrant Sexualities: “Non-normative” Sexual Orientation between Country of Origin and Destination

Giuseppe Masullo


Fairy tales and Stepmothers: the Extended Families in a Legal Perspective

Alessandra Cordiano


2016, numero 1

Special section: Crisis and Consumption in Europe

Introduction. Crisis and Consumption in Europe

Domenico Secondulfo, Francesca Setiffi

The Crisis and Italian Families

Domenico Secondulfo, Luigi Tronca

Social Bonds and Coping Strategies of Unemployed People in Europe

Serge Paugam

Consumers during the 2008–2011 Economic Crisis in Estonia: Mainstream and Grass Roots Media Discourses

Triin Vihalemm, Margit Keller, Kristin Pihu

Consuming the Home. Walking the Thin Line between Welfare and Catastrophe

Elling Borgeraas, Christian Poppe, Randi Lavik

Crisis, Social Inequality and Consumption – a Dutch Perspective

Stefan Wahlen


Consumption Epiphany: from Abstract to Material

Gian Paolo  Lazzer


2016, numero 2

Animals, Humans and Sociability

Enrica Tedeschi

A Comparison of Online and Offline Social Participation Impacts on Generalized Trust

Željko Pavić, Antun Šundalić

Happiness: Ethic Duty and Man’s Dimension

Michela Luzi

Music of the Eye, Music of the Ear

Domenico Secondulfo

The meaning of the Made in Italy Changes in a Changing World

Riccardo Giumelli

Watching over the Sacred Boundaries of the Family. Study on the Standing Sentinels and Cultural Resistance to LGBT Rights

Nicola Righetti


Babies are not Born under a Cabbage Leaf

Paola Di Nicola


2016, numero 3

European Identity and University Students: A Comparative Study of Italy and Belgium

Vittoria Jacobone, Giuseppe Moro

How do different Ethnicities Approach to the Education System and Differences in Turkey?

Mehmet Fatih Yigit, Bulent Tarman

Cohort Life Tables from Life Courses for the Municipality of Modena (Italy): New Data and New Analyses

Luciano Nicolini, Maria Carmela Lopatriello

Identity and Social Roles: a Relational Perspective

Pier Paolo Bellini

 Open Weltanschauung to Build a Democratic Behavior: The Actuality of Mannheim’s Thought

Andrea Casavecchia

Randall Collins and the Sociology of Emotions

Paolo Iagulli


The Ambivalent Creation of Truth in the Digital Age

Michele Bonazzi


2017 numero 1

New Relational Processes in Social Services

Lucia Boccacin

Opera as Social Status: The Private Teatro Sociale as a Reproduced Disposition to Mantua’s Cultural Habitus

Vlado Kotnik

Functionalism or Fallacy: Re-locating Hans Mol’s Identity Theory

Adam J. Powell

The Spread Fashion: an Explorative Research of Italian Fashion Blog

Ariela Mortara, Geraldina Roberti

Specificities of the Third Sector: the Relational Approach

Sandro Stanzani


Changing Your Lifestyle to Change the World. Who Is Willing to Take up the Challenge of the Globalisation of Risks?

Paola Di Nicola


Anno 2017, numero 1s(special)

Looking beyond the Glass. The Importance of Baudrillard’s visions after ten years from his death


Domenico Secondulfo, Debora Viviani

The Consumer Society and the (False) Myth of Mass Democratisation

Maria Cristina Marchetti

Imagination of our Present: Jean Baudrillard from the The System of Objects to the Domotics and the Internet of Things

Nello Barile

Jean Baudrillard and Terrorism

Vanni Codeluppi

Dancing in Circles. Baudrillard and Death

Fabio D’Andrea


The Question of Reality: the Relationship Between the Real and the Unreal in Baudrillard and Morin

Valentina Grassi

Baudrillard Between Benjamin and McLuhan: ‘the Narcissistic Seduction’ of the Media Society

Andrea Lombardinilo


Anno 2017, numero 2

On Terrorism. Theories, Issues and Research Tools

In a New Connected Word

Costantino Cipolla, Antonia Roberta Siino

The Representation of Migrants in Italian Cinema, from the Stereotypes to the Socio-Political Mission of Present-Day Film Directors

Francesca Colella

Of Cripples and Bags. Risk and the Stuff of Reality

Fabio D’Andrea

Of Security and Liberty, of Control and Cooperation. Terrorism and the New Ecosystem of Communication

Piero Dominici

Human Security and Cooperative Security Inside Urban Spaces

Raffaele Federici

Terrorism as Cultural Trauma: a Performative Analysis of ISIS’s Attacks in Europe

Vincenzo Romania, Serena Tozzo

A Reflection on Terrorism and Inequalities

Maria Caterina Federici


2017, numero 3

We are Family. Same-Sex Families in the Italian Context

Federica Bertocchi, Luca Guizzardi

The State of Studies and Research on the Homosexual Parent Family in Italy

Federica Bertocchi

Pictures of Lesbian and Gay Parenthood in Italian Sociology. A Critical Analysis of 30 Years of Research

Luca Trappolin

‘In September, they will start to ask: “So you’re all coming here for Christmas?”’. Rainbow Families and the Gift of Kinship

Luca Guizzardi

Good and Healthy Parents. Non-Heterosexual Parenting and Tricky Alliances

Chiara Bertone

It is not mine. Surrogacy between Natural Body and Artificial Body

Debora Viviani

Inclusion of Homoaffective Families in Education Services and Schools in Italy: A Pedagogical Issue

Alessandra Gigli


Fragments of migration culture from bureaucratic rationality to the network paradigm, suggestions and food for thought

Maria Rescigno


Anno 2018, numero 1

Comparing Hybrid Welfare Systems: The Differentiation of Health and Social Care Policies at the Regional Level in Italy

Giovanni Bertin, Marta Pantalone

Security Actors Today: The Role of Sociological Skills

Carla Facchini, Paolo Zurla

Challenges and Coping Strategies of Women Leaders at the Local Level in Bangladesh

Mizanur Rahman, Anisur Rahman Khan

The Authoritative Dimension in Social Relations

Pier Paolo Bellini

Overcoming New Forms of Digital Divide: Some Remarks on the Need for Media Education

Elena Gremigni

Inter-Services Communication in Child Welfare: The Interplay of Age, Work-group Identification, Trust and Self-efficacy

Sabrina Berlanda, Monica Pedrazza, Luca Mori, Federica de Cordova, Marta Fraizzoli

Space of Intimacy and the Plural Reflexivity of the Couples

Andrea Casavechia


Contextualization of Hadith. To Oppose the Patriarchy and Dehumanization in Building the Civilization of Gender in Islam



Segnalazione dei punti di forza dell’annata

Si riconfermano, anche per il 2017, i punti di forza della rivista: ampia circolazione a livello internazionale, possibilità di scaricare i file gratuitamente.

Progetti in cantiere

Non sono previsti per il 2018 iniziative particolari: la redazione è impegna a dare spazio e visibilità ad una serie di articoli di studiosi stranieri, che richiedono una particolare attenzione in quanto hanno tradizioni di ricerca diverse da quelle occidentali. Il nostro impegno è quello di dare spazio a diverse prospettive di analisi, portare alla luce l’esistenza di letterature ‘altre’ su temi sociologici rilevanti (ad es. abuso sui minori, abbandono scolastico, violenza sulle donne ecc.), nel rispetto di alcuni standard condivisi dalla comunità scientifica  di tipo metodologico.


Descrizione dell’attività svolta nell’annata 2018

Nel 2018 abbiamo intensificato la pubblicazione di contributi provenienti da Paesi non
europei, che giungono in redazione sempre più numerosi.
La rivista si è posta l’obiettivo di dare spazio a contenuti di ricerca svolti in paesi non
europei per due motivazioni di fondo: 1. dare spazio ad attività di ricerca teorica ed
empirica di studiosi che hanno una loro tradizione di ricerca spesso consolidata, di cui la
letteratura italiana ha poco contezza; 2. realizzare processi di internazionalizzazione che
vadano nella direzione di correggere l’eccessivo eurocentrismo che caratterizza i nostri
studi, sia sul versante metodologico che dei contenuti.
Per il raggiungimento di tale obiettivo, il lavoro di referaggio è diventato più complesso, sia
per trovare referee sensibili a temi e metodologie di ricerca che escono dal cono d’ombra
dell’eurocentrismo, che per difficoltà di affrontare i temi trattati. Tutti gli articoli comunque
sono stati referati da due lettori anonimi per gli estensori del contributo.
Per ovviare a tale problema, per alcuni contributi, il comitato di redazione si è fatto carico
del referaggio, dando una particolare attenzione alla correttezza e pertinenza delle
metodologie di ricerca utilizzate dagli autori.
Per realizzare la nostra idea di internazionalizzazione del sapere e delle conoscenze, nella
rivista sono stati ospitati saggi non solo strettamente sociologici, ma saggi riconducibili alle
scienze sociali in senso ampio.

Indice dei numeri pubblicati nell’annata 2018
– Italian Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 8, n. 1
1. Comparing Hybrid Welfare Systems: The Differentiation of Health and Social Care
Policies at the Regional Level in Italy
Giovanni Bertin, Marta Pantalone
2. Security Actors Today: The Role of Sociological Skills
Carla Facchini, Paolo Zurla
3. Challenges and Coping Strategies of Women Leaders at the Local Level in
Mizanur Rahman, Anisur Rahman Khan
4. The Authoritative Dimension in Social Relations
Pier Paolo Bellini
5. Overcoming New Forms of Digital Divide: Some Remarks on the Need for Media
Elena Gremigni
6. Inter-Services Communication in Child Welfare: The Interplay of Age, Work-group
Identification, Trust and Self-efficacy
Sabrina Berlanda, Monica Pedrazza, Luca Mori, Federica de Cordova, Marta Fraizzoli
7. Space of Intimacy and the Plural Reflexivity of the Couples
Andrea Casavechia
8. Contextualization of Hadith. To Oppose the Patriarchy and Dehumanization in
Building the Civilization of Gender in Islam
– Italian Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 8, n. 2
1. Beliefs and Practices of Traditional Medicine towards Women’s Reproductive
Healthcare: Evidences from Wolaytta Zone, Ethiopia
Padmanabhan Murugan, Paulos Yared
2. Simmel’s Actuality in the Light of Migratory Processes
Antonella Golino
3. The Day After. Considerations and Future Prospects for Studying the Phenomenon of
Othering after Jihadist Terrorist Attacks
Uliano Conti
4. Nepalese Adolescent’s Environmental Discourses
Sumant Kumar Yadav
5. Caring for Autistic Adults. A Qualitative Analysis Under the Lens of Capability
Stefania Bari, Rossella Tisci, Roberto Burlando, Roberto Keller
6. Driven by Nostalgia: A Study of Classic Cars’ Social Representations Among Italian
Francesca Setiffi, Vincenzo Scotto
7. The Italian Debate on Civil Unions and Same-Sex Parenthood: The Disappearance of
Lesbians, Lesbian Mothers, and Mothers
Daniela Danna
– Italian Sociological Review, 2018, Vol. 8, n. 3
1. A Pre-Departure Vulnerability Context to Human Trafficking in North Wollo, Ethiopia
Mulugeta Berihun Asfaw
2. How to Help Female Victims of Domestic Violence? A Dialogue Between Scientific,
Professional and Political Expert to Build Networks of Support
Maria Lucia Piga
3. Satisfaction Regarding the Methods Used to Evaluate Hotel Performance
Maria João Cardoso Vieira Machado, Miguel Sampaio Silva
4. Exploring the Potential Market for Retro Products: An Empirical Analysis
José-Serafin Clemente-Ricolfe, Pablo Enguer-Gosálbez
5. A Synthetic Indicator Method Applied to Putnam’s Social Capital Indicators: The
Case of Italy
Marco Carradore
6. Re-thinking Populism within the Borders of Democracy
Giray Gerim
7. Mediational Strategies in a Dynamic Assessment Approach to L2 Listening
Comprehension: Different Ability Levels in Focus
Mehri Izadi, Hooshang Khoshsima, Esmaeel Nourmohammadi, Nahid Yarahmadzehi
8. Abuse Experiencing Among the Adolescents Students in Irbid Secondary Schools
Basim Aldahadha
9. Marriage Mahar to Minimize the low Rate of Marriage in Aceh Pidie, Indonesia
Roswita Sitompul, Alesyanti, Nurul Hakim
10. Public Debatable Position of Woman as Witnesses in Marriage: The Perspective of
Islamic and Constitutional Laws
Paisol Burlian

Segnalazione dei punti di forza dell’annata 2018
Dai contributi stranieri pubblicati sono emerse sollecitazioni teoriche ed empiriche molto
interessanti. Da una parte si evidenza come alcune tematiche che consideriamo specifiche
delle società moderne occidentali (ad es. emigrazione, famiglia, diritti individuali,
integrazione scolastica ecc.), costituiscono aree di studio e di interesse anche in altri paesi
che continuiamo a considerare appartenenti al terzo mondo. E questo è il più forte
indicatore di quanto i processi di globalizzazione (sia nel bene che nel male) siano
effettivamente globali. Dall’altra parte, soprattutto i contributi sulla condizione femminile,
testimoniano dello sforzo che in alcuni paesi a tradizione islamica si sta compiendo di
individuare percorsi di emancipazione delle donne a partire dall’interno. Da una rilettura
critica della tradizione religiosa di riferimento.
Si riconferma come scelta vincente la decisione di fare una rivista on-line open access e in
inglese. I contributi degli stranieri non sono mai stati sollecitati, arrivano in redazione
direttamente, a conferma del fatto che la rivista ‘circola’.

Progetti in cantiere
Continuare con la stessa impostazione e considerare i numeri monografici come numeri
speciali o aggiuntivi, rispetto ai numeri della rivista.